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The advantages of a secured vault over a private locker at home

A locker provides a secure way to store valuable items, important documents and memorabilia. However, the question arises: Should you use a private safe deposit box at home or is a secured vault in a bank a better choice? In this article, we will explore the reasons why a secured vault should be preferred over a private locker at home.

1. Greater security against theft:

Private home lockers may provide some security, but they are vulnerable to break-ins. Burglars often have knowledge of private lockers and can search for them specifically. In contrast, secured vaults are equipped with advanced security systems that make break-in attempts much more difficult. They have surveillance cameras, motion sensors, alarm systems and access controls to ensure only authorized people have access. The professional security infrastructure makes the vault a far safer place to store valuable items.

2. Protection against fire and natural disasters:

Another benefit of a secured vault is protection against fire and natural disasters. Home safe deposit boxes are generally not insured against fire or flooding and therefore do not provide adequate protection for important documents or sensitive items. In contrast, secured vaults are often equipped with special fireproof materials and fire protection measures to ensure safe storage even in the event of fire or other natural disasters. This provides additional security and gives customers peace of mind that their valuables are protected even in extreme conditions.

3. Protection of privacy:

Another important aspect is the protection of privacy. In a secured vault, only the tenant knows the contents of the locker. Neither staff nor third parties have access to the content unless there is a court order. This ensures a high level of confidentiality and discreet storage. With private lockers at home, there is always the risk that other people, such as family members or guests, may have access to them or may search the private rooms unnoticed.

4. Cost factor:

Another important aspect that speaks in favor of a secured vault is the cost. Although private home lockers may seem more cost-effective, you need to consider the cost of installing and maintaining security systems. In addition, private lockers often do not offer the same protection as specially secured vaults.


Overall, a secured vault like Valito offers a variety of advantages over a private safe deposit box at home. The higher security against theft, the protection against fire and natural disasters, the guaranteed protection of privacy and also the cost factor are crucial factors that should be taken into account.

The advanced security systems and professional infrastructure in a secured vault provide reliable protection for valuable items and important documents. The fireproof materials and fire protection measures provide additional security and give you the peace of mind that your valuables are protected even in extreme conditions.

In addition, a secured vault ensures high confidentiality and discreet storage. Since we are independent of banks, you do not need a bank account or residence in Switzerland. You can be sure that only you know the contents of your locker and that staff or third parties cannot access them.

Overall, choosing a secured bank vault over a private safe deposit box at home is a sensible decision that will provide you with peace and security when it comes to storing your valuable items.

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